This treatment is growing in popularity all the time, as it is a pain-free way to replace the pieces of tooth that have worn or chipped away over the years.
Composite bonding can be used to alter the shape of teeth or improve their length. We simply add some dental material, called “composite” to the tooth. We can apply a shade of our choice, and build it up in small layers until we are happy.
We can also choose to place a full composite veneer over the tooth if we want to totally change the appearance of one or more teeth. This can sometimes be a cost-effective alternative to the more traditional porcelain veneers that we also offer.
Our first recommendation would be to see one of our lovely dentists for a thorough dental examination appointment so that they can fully assess the problems as you see them.
Composite bonding is typically good at masking chipped or worn edges on the teeth, or for changing the overall shape of a tooth, without needing to remove much healthy tooth tissue.
If you are looking for a broader smile or longer teeth, this can also be achieved with the addition of composite to the teeth.
For a more dramatic change, you may also want to consider composite veneers, which work in the same way, with the addition of composite to the whole of the front surface of your tooth. Whatever happens, we want to get you back to smiling!
Take a look at this happy patient above who had composite bonding to her teeth after Invisalign treatment with one of our dentists.